Atlas seniors, lisburn Co Antrim

Title of Work: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt – Life’s Journey
Facilitating Artist:
Therese Gorman

“Life’s Journey – Been there, done that, what’s to come?” - Collage and poetry - Each one of these artists, delved deep into their past, their trials and tribulations as well as their triumphs and successes. We were privileged to share their stories. The resulting artwork is a representation of their life’s journey and deeply personal to each one. - The group discussed, their childhoods, early lives and aspirations for the future. We looked at death and the afterlife and near death experiences. No subject was taboo and there were near tears and tantrums. But we all felt privileged to hear each other's story. Each participant decided how best to depict their own life's journey and used a variety of media to express this. Every member of the group is thrilled and proud to have created such wonderful Art.


Atlas Seniors