Knockbracken, Directorate Accountant

Titles of Work:
Honey Bee
Honey Bee 2
These are two Honey Bees which were busy working through my working garden on a rather lovely sunny Spring morning.

Coastal Flowers
I took this photograph on the Bangor coast line of some early blooming flowers set against a rugged coastal backdrop.

Zoom Ball/Bangor Coast
I took this photograph on the Bangor coast line using a zoom ball. I was trying to capture the rugged coast on a lovely bright Spring day with the cargo ship sat quietly in the background. The brightness of the day brought in a lovely rainbow through the side of the zoom ball which added some additional interest in the photo.

Tollymore Forest
I took this picture at Tollymore Forest just as the Autumn and Winter foliage was beginning to disappear and life beginning to show again around the stream. The old tree serves as a beautiful centre piece framing the water.

Medium: Photography

By way of a brief biog about myself, I work as Directorate Accountant in Belfast Trust looking after the £400m annual budget for Adult Social and Primary Care. I have been in the Trust just over 2 years and the last year has been an extraordinary time in my working life. Whilst not having direct or face to face contact with patients at the front end of the Service, from a financial management perspective the pandemic has brought a massive change and pressure to the way I have had to work. Control of finances during a time when we simply had to react and working to ensure the Trust has the financial resources it so critically needs to deliver the Services require during this pandemic has been extremely challenging. I do however found it hard to complain too much when you see the work that has been required off front line staff, they have been amazing. I have been very proud to be a part of the national solution to the ongoing crisis. My photography hobby allows me to temporarily take my mind off the stresses and strains from work.


Ian Liddle