Olwyn Fleming

Nurse at S&RH community

Titles of Work:
Violets for Violet


Night Garden Cushion
Fabric and appliqued crochet

Special Girl

Blooming Rainbow
Textiles and wooden flowers

About the Artist: I have worked within the N.H.S. for thirty six years, and within Women’s Health for more than thirty years, specialising in what was formerly known as ‘Family Planning’ after midwifery training.

As a key worker this year, during the Covid 19 pandemic, I have been redeployed on three occasions, each time to Patient Liaison Service, initially based in R.V.H. and laterally in B.C.H. Nightingale. I have returned to my own substantive post in the intervening time. Moving back and forth on several occasions between redeployment and my substantive post was unsettling at times. However, I have learned some new skills, met a wide range of interesting people, and baked a lot of buns. My hobbies, which include knitting, crochet, embroidery, baking and sugar craft were a welcome distraction when not at work, during a very difficult year. I even tried my hand at painting, with Bob Ross as the guide, whilst enjoying zoom time with my adult children who were unable to visit. This is a very different way to celebrate birthdays and special occasions. Not sure the wine helps the end result!

I felt I should challenge myself to produce some new work for the Hidden Talents Online Exhibition, within the ‘Blossoms’ theme, and join with my talented colleagues to showcase my work.


Olwyn Fleming