Ronan Chansou

Graduate Intern - Elderly Programme Of Care (ACOPS) - Knockbracken

Titles of Work:
Fleurs de l'Ouest
Crann Bethadh

Medium: Photography

Ronan Chansou is a graduate intern who started working in August 2020 in ACOPS. As a newcomer in the midst of a Health Crisis, he experienced fully what it means to work for the well-being of others. He discovered photography thanks to the trust classes and his style and cutting-edge ideas come from a life spend experiencing different cultures around the world. He also writes some fiction short novels on his off time, on subjects ranging from fantasy to historical writings.

This year many of our clients, residents and patients were forced to stay inside and to forget how colourful the world may be. It is for this reason, to show that Northern Ireland is on verge of blossoming once again, that we need to share the beauty of nature.

A line of inspiration: “Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now.” Christopher Paolini


Ronan Chansou