Royal Victoria Hospital, Maternity/Midwife

Title of Work:

Medium: Watercolour/ink/pearl paint

I am a staff midwife in the RVH, and like everyone else this last year has been very different. I was shielding for most of the year through my pregnancy and now early motherhood. Whilst not working on the frontline it was a challenging experience receiving care under difficult circumstances.

It has been bittersweet being restricted during pregnancy and motherhood, but being able to have a few moments of creativity has helped my mental health by giving me time to escape. I think it is important to share my artwork to contribute to the exhibition, to feel like I am part of something larger, and to show that there is still beauty in the world around us despite this challenging time.

As I have welcomed my new baby into the world, I am surrounded by lots of colour and reminders of growth, development and possibilities. I wanted to portray this in my artwork by making a series of collective images, that together show diversity, progression and hope in an abstract way. Displaying the opportunity to 'Blossom', or 'Thrive' in the world.


Sian Mulholland