Zarah Fleming

Psychiatry trainee doctor

Title of Work:
Moonlight at Cavehill
This year we've all been getting out and exploring our local areas more, Cavehill being mine. We're all trying to find joy and beauty on our doorsteps rather than relying on foreign holidays!

Sunny swim at Helens Bay
As has been the case with many others, I have a new found love of sea swimming this year. We have managed to swim weekly throughout the year, in all temperatures - you never regret a swim!

Medium: Lino print, oil-based ink on paper

Trying to keep my monstera alive
With more time at home this year, many of us have filled our houses with greenery, or attempted to grow vegetables etc. However, the initial excitement of seeing a tiny green leaf sprouting can sometimes fall by the wayside and all of a sudden we find we have a windowsill full of drooping plants!

Medium: lino print, water-based ink on paper


Zarah Fleming